Tonight’s vote at Trinity Episcopal Church Myrtle Beach explained

Trinity Episcopal Church in Myrtle Beach tonight voted to stick with Bishop Lawrence & the Diocese of S.C. rather than to re-affiliate with the Episcopal Church USA, 119 to 31, with 4 abstentions.

Analogy: If your spouse decides no longer to believe in historical Christianity, you must divorce.

Heresy is reversible but schism endures.

Heresy is about ideas, but schism is about relationships.

5 responses to “Tonight’s vote at Trinity Episcopal Church Myrtle Beach explained

  1. usama al-taher

    Another analogy could be ; you & your business partner disagree on making & selling beer or making & selling furniture. So, u split to follow your own ideas of what people will bye.


  2. The body of Christ kicked in the shin once again.


  3. Just ignore my previous comment. Not helpful in the long run.


  4. We’ve got dozens of Protestant denominations to choose from. What’s another split? The watching world hasn’t believed in Christian unity for centuries.


  5. Actually, Sami, that’s a false analogy. Baptism is a sacrament. Marriage is a sacrament. Business is not a sacrament.
