The funny thing about Bart Ehrman

Photo of Bart D. Ehrman taken following the Gr...

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve been reading excerpts of Bart Ehrman‘s books through Google and Amazon (remember, I’m only a lecturer in an English department, and I have three young children, so my book budget is small). Ehrman, a professor at UNC and expert on the New Testament, left the Christian faith after years of studying the Bible. Even so, I like this guy, because he clearly and directly cuts to the problems within the biblical records. And apparently, I could just possibly become his friend one day, considering this excerpt:

All my closest friends (and next-to-closest friends) in the guild of New Testament studies agree with most of my historical views of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, the development of the Christian faith, and other similar issues. We may disagree on this point or that (in fact we do — we are, after all, scholars), but we all agree on the historical methods and the basic conclusions they lead to. All of these friends, however, have remained committed Christians.

— Bart Ehrman, from Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t Know About Them) 

2 responses to “The funny thing about Bart Ehrman

  1. ” I like this guy, because he clearly and directly cuts to the problems within the biblical records.” Yes but he misses so many important points and the tough thing is he knows it. He is not very good at interpretation and he is even off the cliff in textual criticism.
