Undeterred by previously unacknowledged dependence upon Dan Allender’s work, Mark Driscoll announces ‘Real Marriage’ simulcast

A day after Warren Throckmorton wrote about a sudden update to the Kindle edition of Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll and his wife Grace Driscoll — an update that essentially under-acknowledged Dan Allender’s contributions to the Driscolls’ thinking — what appears in my inbox from Resurgence?

Mark Driscoll and Resurgence push upcoming "Real Marriage" simulcast event shortly after the Kindle edition of the book finally acknowledges Dan Allender's ideas that shaped the book.

Mark Driscoll and Resurgence push an upcoming “Real Marriage” simulcast event shortly after the Kindle edition of the book finally was updated to acknowledge Dan Allender’s ideas shaped the content.

And that arrived on the same day Throckmorton writes about inadequate acknowledgement of Justin Holcombe’s and Lindsey Holcombe’s book, Rid of My Disgrace.

Either Resurgence and Driscoll are as naive as Michael Scott of The Office or they really don’t mind saying screw you to those who have tried to hold the pastor accountable for plagiarism.

This ongoing saga, with Andy Crouch of Christianity Today flaking out on plagiarism, with the secretive updating of the Kindle edition of Real Marriage, with Driscoll announcing an academic seminary in the midst of a plagiarism controversy (palm smacking forehead repeated here), has demonstrated the ethical relativism within Protestant Reformed and evangelical circles.

Fine. Sooner or later, nonsense destroys itself. Then just enough discovered truth will allow the next round of nonsense to get off the ground for a while. I’ll try to believe history is linear, not cyclical.

But in today’s media age, you’d think Driscoll and Mars Hill Church and Resurgence would at least have some crisis-management sensibility, some public-relations sense.

They clearly do not.

"Real Marriage" or "Real Plagiarism"?

“Real Marriage” or “Real Plagiarism”?

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